Leicester West Labour Party
Contact the CLP Fundraising Officer if you have any fundraising idea or want to get involved with activities.
Donate to Leicester West
You can donate online here: Donate to Leicester West via the Labour Party and Donate to Leicester West via JustGiving.
Setting up a regular donation
The quickest way to set up a standing order is to go to your bank or online banking, and using our sort code (60-83-01) and account number (20122735) these details are for an account with Unity Trust Bank, Nine Brindley Place, Birmingham B1 2HB in the name of Leicester West CLP Campaign Fund.
For the reference number, please use the first 3 letters of your surname, followed by “SO”.
With this method, you can control the amount, regularity, and length of time you wish to donate. You can also stop or change a standing order at any time simply by contacting your bank.
Bank transfer
To make a single donation by bank transfer, follow the steps above, but instead of selecting a standing order, select “transfer money” or “bill payment”. For the reference number, please use the first 3 letters of your surname, followed by “donation”.